
Want a Quantum Leap in you results?

What is a quantum shift or a quantum leap in your results and how do you have one? 

For a start, it is helpful to understand Einstein's theory of relativity. When he described this he said "Perception is our position in space, time and is tied to the direction we are moving. We are on a planet that is hurtling around the sun, moving at 1000's of miles an hour, yet on a still day we can stand outside, look up at the sun or sky and have the sense that we are not moving at all when we are actually moving thousands of miles per hour". 

That skews our perception. Did you know that science has proven the concept that based on our position in the universe, and the speed we are moving that it is literally possible for two people to be observing an event and it appears to be, for example, in my past, and in your future and for us both to be accurate?

Why does that matter to me or you today? 

The reason that matters to us today is because of the question, what is reality? It matters because I can use that concept to create an open space in my mind in regards to the perception or way that other people see reality and to challenge beliefs. To understand that reality as I see it is different to others but we can both be correct.

It matters because to put it simply, as human beings we are going to have to reframe our ideas about the universe and how we fit into it. As we create a vision, our dream life (if we learn how to do this) …our old life has a gravitational pull to the familiar. We are programmed like this. This is the pattern of our thinking…if you are human you have this programming We learn to be condition-based in our thinking because that’s the major programming on planet Earth. 

It matters if you want to accelerate your results rapidly, you will learn to search out and vigorously employ different behaviours. This is truly possible with the help of an expert business coach like Karen Clark, who, through the tools and techniques in her training, teaches about the Universal Laws, the patterns and programmes that affect our mindset, the language and pattern for success, Things like reframing your ideas about the Universe and how we as humans fit into it, that there is a pattern for success and when you learn what the pattern is life gets easier and has more flow. 

Well what do you do when you want to square your own potential? The concept itself illustrates or encourages or suggests that we’re shooting far below what we should be doing.

Price Pritchett says (in his book You²) - You² implies an explosive jump in your personal performance that puts you far beyond the next logical step. He said it’s a formula for stunning advances in achievement and the realisation of your dreams. The concept is one of exponential gains rather than incremental progress. You might compare it to multiplying instead of adding. It means a geometric progression in your effectiveness. He points out that it’s exciting as well as provocative, but it gets even better. He said remember, quantum leaps can come without apparent effort. These are high-velocity moves that carry you to dramatically higher levels of performance without time-consuming struggle.

So what is reality? See that chair in your office or the desk, the computer or any object in the room? 

Ask yourself: Where was that chair before it became a chair? 

The answer is it was a thought in the designer's mind. 

Did you know that everything is created twice? Everything is a thought first before it becomes a thing. You know this. What most people don't know is the power of knowing this.

And once someone has thought up any possibility, did you know that it already exists in the quantum world, the quantum field. This is science.  

Think again. What Is reality? Is it here in the physical world of form and substance, or is reality when it is a thought in someone’s mind? 

 Can you take that one step further, if you have thought up a possibility for anything in your life, any result, any situation, any outcome, any dream, can you say it’s reality then, that it exists already? Or do you have to wait until you see & hear, touch, feel & smell it before its reality for you?

There is an Art and Science of Transformation. The "art" is in the vision, and the "science" is in the energy.

Did you know that if this possibility exists in the quantum world and if you give it enough energy, focus, time, and commitment you will bring it to the physical world of substance & form?

You can bring any dream, any vision, and bring it to fruition - from a possibility into your reality by understanding this and using the system that has been used for decades by all the most successful change-makers over many decades. You can achieve a quantum leap by understanding what causes your results, and how to change them. By understanding that it is critical to start with a crystal clear picture of where you want to end up, and what you want to accomplish. To have an extremely detailed, specific mental image of that outcome and then to rivet your attention, your focus, and your energy on that end result, and to visualise your arrival. 

The secret is not to get in your own way! Want to ask top business coach Karen Clark any questions about any of this or how to use it in your life? Why not make time for a virtual coffee and chat? 
